Author Archives: Blog Post

How to Create Custom Docker Image Using Docker Compose

Docker is the container platform provider and management service that helps in addressing every application across the hybrid cloud. Docker enables true independence between applications and infrastructure, as well as developers and IT ops to unlock their potential for better … Read More »

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Top 10 Metrics to Assess Your Web Store Performance

Despite the fact that it is imperative to assess the store’s performance as a whole, it is equally important to figure out which sections or areas of the store are performing good and which ones are not, so that these … Read More »

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6 Ways BigCommerce Enhances Shopping Capabilities for Webstores

BigCommerce platform is one of the leading cloud based ecommerce platforms for established businesses and those with extensive growth plans in the world. As compared to on-premise softwares, It offers a cost effective and easy to use solution. Equipped with … Read More »

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Major Challenges Everyone Should Know about the IOT (Internet of Things)

Introduction IoT (Internet of Things) is a network of devices connected over internet. This includes  cars, home appliances, and other embedded electronic devices. With the help of IoT a network is formed with these devices so that they can be … Read More »

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How to create a Python based Machine Learning Development Environment

Machine Learning is one of the top skills these days and is capturing majority of the Software Industry day by day. The concept behind Machine Learning is to enable machines programmatically to learn and take smart decisions and keep on … Read More »

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The Ultimate Guide to Building an Augmented Reality App

Introduction One of the world’s biggest digital stories of all time, Augmented Reality (AR) continues to grow and be adopted. AR app development has attracted widespread attention and investment after the launch of games such as Pokemon Go and Augmented … Read More »

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Enterprise Blockchain 101: An Introduction

Introduction to Blockchain All the buzz coming out of BLOCKCHAIN. The impact created by its usage as a cryptocurrency in bitcoin as its first application and now it has continued its way as the underpinning for Shared Distributed Ledger technology … Read More »

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A Definitive Guide to Testing PHP Applications with PHP Unit

The fact you are on this page clearly shows that you want to unit test your PHP application. If you are still not very convinced on putting efforts into unit tests and would like to have a solid footing on … Read More »

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A Quick Guide to Move Database Backups to s3 Cloud via Cron

This blog walks you through a step by step guide to move your database backups to your Amazon AWS s3 cloud. Provided your website is hosted on an AWS instance, you can follow the undermentioned steps to keep your backups … Read More »

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Comparison between different Vulnerability Scanning Tools

Nowadays security risks are very high due to which security testing is very important. Through security testing we can identify loop holes in a system, network or computer software. Security testing helps us to determine that software or system prevents … Read More »

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5 Easy Steps on Scheduling MySql Database Backup Using Cron

Be it GIT, SVN, Mercurial, CVS or Bazaar – your code is definitely in safe hands. However, websites that have a reasonably large content saved in database or those that interact with the customers, especially the ones receiving orders and … Read More »

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How to use Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection

Anomaly Detection is a widely used for Machine Learning as a service to find out the abnormalities in a system. The idea is to create a model under a probabilistic distribution. In our case, we will be dealing with the Normal … Read More »

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How To Stylize Magento Email Templates With CSS File

Styling emails are always difficult for web designers. You need to be extra careful when designing email templates as clients tend to behave differently on different emails. Some of them prefer non inline templates, whereas some require inline styles and … Read More »

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How to Add Custom CSS and JS Files on CMS Pages in Magento 2

In this blog, you will learn all the mandatory steps on how to include the custom CSS and JS files on CMS pages in your Magento 2 store. This task may seem a bit complicated to you, so here’s a … Read More »

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How to Implement IBM Watson Speech to Text Java SDK

The domain of speech recognition is considered as one of the most promising areas where modern machine learning tools are coming in handy in our quest to further refine and improve accuracy of the transcripts. The advent of ML frameworks … Read More »

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How to Create a Basic Content Based Recommendation System

For this recommendation system, on the basis of item’s characteristics and user’s preference, we will predict the user’s rating for all items that were unrated by the user. Read More »

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How to Bulk Import and Export Products/Customers in Magento 2

Magento 2 has become one of the most popular e-commerce framework. With the recent upgradation in the Magento 2, a number of advanced, as well as few very basic but useful features are incorporated in it. One of the most … Read More »

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An Overview of Magento Built-in Security Features

Security is the most important aspect of the e-commerce industry. It is vital that all the transactions, as well as the customer data, are prevented from potential e-commerce frauds. Magento, being one of the modern e-commerce platforms, helps in reducing … Read More »

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11 Tips For Testing Mobile Application Efficiently

Almost 5 million mobile apps are available in Apple App Store and Google Play Store and it continuously growing. With the increasing number of apps it’s most common practice to test mobile application in order to deliver the stable app … Read More »

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A Comparison between Different Speech to Text Services

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad term and is defined as the study of intelligence shown by machines. In computer science some of the focused areas of AI are: Speech recognition Learning Planning Problem solving Folio3 is a seasoned player … Read More »

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Custom Models for Machine Learning Training – Speech To Text Service

Speech Recognition has been evolving over the last few decades. The recent interest in Machine Learning technologies have also added a new boost to the speech recognition domain. There are a few Speech Recognition solutions available in the market, The … Read More »

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Magento Store Risk Assessment and Fraud Detection using Kount’s (UDF)

In the last blog, I told you how to prevent ecommerce frauds on your Magento store using Kount. You can have a quick read here: This time around, I will give you a rundown on the advanced protection features … Read More »

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Useful Tips for Magento 2 Performance Optimization

The Need for Magento 2 Performance Optimization E-commerce websites are a digital storefront that describes how a business is going to meet customer’s expectations. In this competitive era, a webpage that takes longer to load can result in higher abandonment … Read More »

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How to Customize Admin Forms & Store Fields in Magento 2

Magento 2, as we all know, is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms. Not only does it offer enhanced performance and scalability, it also offers advanced features, such as the creation of custom Magento modules . Although Magento provides multiple ways to … Read More »

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Ecommerce Fraud Prevention: Advanced Fraud Protection Features in Magento

According to a recent study by Javelin Strategy & Research, ecommerce vendors lost $16 billion in 2016 in the U.S alone, with worldwide CNP fraud losses expected to top $71 billion by 2022. In recent years, the type of ecommerce businesses that … Read More »

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The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up Magento Google Analytics

In this post we’ll look at the steps involved for setting up Google Analytics on your Magento 2 storefront. Here they are, in a nutshell. 1) First, you’ll need to create a Gmail account, if you don’t have any one already. … Read More »

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Magento SEO – A Definitive Guide to Setting Up Google Tag Manager (GTM) on Magento 2

In this post we’ll look at one of the key components of Magento SEO i.e. how to setup Google Tag Manager on a Magento 2 web store. Here’s how you can do so. 1)  First create a new gmail account, … Read More »

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Your Definitive Guide To Blockchain For Business

Why Blockchain The business value-add of Blockchain will grow to slightly more than $176 billion by 2025, and then it will exceed $3.1 trillion by 2030 – Gartner Blockchain is the future of Business – IBM Next Big Thing After … Read More »

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Creating Desktop Application Using React, Electron and NodeJS

JavaScript is everywhere these days. There are so many existing web technologies that allow developers to create web applications efficiently and as quickly as possible. Building UI for web is almost effortless with the use of CSS and JavaScript here … Read More »

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14 Major PHP Keynotes for Developers

Have you been programming in a C-style programming language, and have just been recruited in a PHP project? Are you tired of studying the basic common programming structures again and again every time you learn a new language? Do you … Read More »

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19 Best Practices and Recommendations for Linux Server

Securing Linux server is very important to protect your data, intellectual property from the hands of crackers (hackers). The system administrator is responsible for security of the Linux box. In this blog we will go through important tips for hardening … Read More »

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Data Migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2

  As you know, migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2 comprises of four key areas. These include Data migration, Extensions migration, Theme migration and migration of any customizations. In this post we’ll look at the data migration process. In … Read More »

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Cloud Services Comparison: Amazon vs Microsoft Azure vs Google Cloud

Introduction As companies are gaining business momentum at a rampant pace, the use and application of different cloud services have become talk of the town. Companies are shifting from self-maintained data centers, as they are expensive to maintain and are … Read More »

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How to Implement Best Enterprise Search Solution

What is Enterprise Search Enterprise search is a complex system of search, through which authorised users are able to search across different data sources used by the organization. Data sources might be application databases, file system, Email servers, Document Management … Read More »

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Performance Testing with Apache Bench

Apache Bench, or ‘ab’, is a very powerful, and yet simple to use command line utility for measuring the performance of your application under certain load. It is a freeware and bundled with Apache web server. Apache Bench also has … Read More »

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17 Best Practices for Web Security

Recently we have been noticing a sharp rise in cybercrime and hacking based attacks, and it has been speculated already that cybercrime will cost the world in excess of $6 trillion annually by 2021. A couple of years ago, IBM’s … Read More »

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Your Step by Step Guide to Performance Testing

Performance testing is a very broad, complex and time taking activity, but in return, this activity addresses many risks associated to the business and provide great value, if executed properly. To start with performance testing it is very important to … Read More »

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6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Custom Email Campaigns

Keeping customers involved with your product is the key to success of a business. The challenge involved is that not every product is addictive in its nature to keep the customers busy. Skilfully crafted, a customized email landing directly into … Read More »

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Disaster Recovery Plan for RackSpace Cloud Servers

Irrespective of whether you use the Cloud or dedicated servers, it is essential that you should have a proper plan of countering any event if something goes wrong. To put it as simply as possible, technology breaks sometimes. Therefore, it … Read More »

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How to Deploy ETL Processes on SpagoBI

First of all we need to Download SpagoBI from here We have to download All-In-One-SpagoBI-5.2.0 and run it. After creating SpagoBI by using Talend studio as shown in our blog named “How to create ETL job by using Talend” … Read More »

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WordPress SSO: How to Integrate SAML 2.0 with ADFS 3.0

Hello everyone, Recently, we did SAML 2.0 integration with Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) on a WordPress site for one of our clients. Even with using the plugins, it was not so simple, there were some issues we faced during … Read More »

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HL7 Integration with Gmail Using Mirth Connect Engine

Mirth Connect Overview A Mirth Connect engine, with its own filters and transformers, is the medium for the source and destination systems. Messages flow into a source connector, pass through a pre-processor script, are converted to XML, pass through filters … Read More »

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How To Create an ETL Job by using Talend Studio

For creating jobs in ETL through Talend Studio, the first step is to download Talend Studio from, which can be done from here. Once we have Talend Studio, the next step is to create ETL process in it. New job … Read More »

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How To Add a Static Block or Widget to Magento Search Results Pages

Hi Guys, In this post I’ll show you how to add a static block or widget to your Magento search results pages. As you know, Magento does offer the option of using a static block on category pages but if … Read More »

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Magento Open Source vs Magento Commerce – Features Comparison

As a Magento 2 Trained Solution Partner, one of the most common questions we get from prospects considering a switch to Magento is what’s the difference between Magento Commerce and Magento Open Source, and why they should consider one over … Read More »

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How to Upgrade Magento from 1.7 to 1.9

Hey guys, In this post I’ll show you how to upgrade you Magento web store from Magento 1.7 to Magento 1.9. The upgrade process involves upgrading the code base, data migration, migration of your existing Magento extensions & themes, and any … Read More »

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Best Dependency Injection Framework to Choose when Working on iOS apps?

James Shore describe the concept of Dependency Injection as “Dependency Injection” is a 25-dollar term for a 5-cent concept. […] Dependency injection means giving an object its instance variables. […]. There are multiple DI framework available for IOS and based … Read More »

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Automatic Build Versioning

The steps required for automatic build versioning have been mentioned as follows: We need to make our application versioning system to apple generic as mentioned in the image below, and also make sure to set the current project version to … Read More »

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Why use Firebase as Cloud Back-End for Mobile Applications

In today’s world we have mobile app for almost every thing we are doing in our daily life. Most of the businesses have their mobile apps to keep user engaged with them. Following are the 7 must have features for … Read More »

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Your Ultimate Guide to Use of Icon Fonts

  What are Icon Fonts? Icon Fonts are just like fonts.They contain glyphs and symbols. Similarly you style your project fonts, you can style them too. It’s becoming a popular choice on the web and mobile. Pros and Cons for … Read More »

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