A Comparison between Different Speech to Text Services

A Comparison between Different Speech to Text Services

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad term and is defined as the study of intelligence shown by machines. In computer science some of the focused areas of AI are:

  • Speech recognition
  • Learning
  • Planning
  • Problem solving

Folio3 is a seasoned player in the Speech to text app services, and it has an aim to provide quality services to its customers in various domains of Computer Science including Artificial Intelligence.

To achieve this goal Folio3 has built a demo application for its valued customers to demonstrate its expertise in the field of Machine Learning, after doing detailed competitive analysis between different Machine Learning APIs provided by service providers.

During our study we found that following attributes should be part of any Speech or Text Analysis solution, and using these attributes did the competitive analysis between IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Speech Analysis APIs.


Magento 2 customization

Based on the comparison results using above attributes IBM Watson has clear edge over his competitors and Folio3 has also used the brilliance of IBM Watson API alongside with Python’s Natural Language Toolkit, utilizing some of the magical processing at the User Interface using JavaScript and Facebook’s ReactJs.
Try it: https://folio3.com/enterprise-solutions/converse-smartly/


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