How To Create an ETL Job by using Talend Studio

How To Create an ETL Job by using Talend Studio

For creating jobs in ETL through Talend Studio, the first step is to download Talend Studio from, which can be done from here.

Once we have Talend Studio, the next step is to create ETL process in it. New job in ETL is created by right click on job design -> Create job as shown in screenshot below:

magento upgrade

After creating ETL job, the next step is to select any database input from the dropdown as shown in the figure below.

magento upgrade

As show in the image above, there are many databases and their input and output components available for selection. For the purpose of this discussion, I have selected input component of MySQL database.

After selecting input components, there are some fields that need to be filled as shown in figure.

magento upgrade

1. Host of your source database
2. Port of your source database
3. Database name
4. Username of your source database
5. Password of your source database
6. Table name from where you want to fetch data. This field is optional If there are joins in query then you don’t need to insert it
7. And Select query for selecting data.

Once these fields are filled, we need a destination database  we want to dump all our data. So, we also select output component of any database from palette. Here again I select output component MySQL database.

magento upgrade

In output component there are also some fields.

1. Host of your destination database
2. Port of your destination database
3. Database name
4. Username of your destination database
5. Password of your destination database
6. Action on data (Insert, Insert or update, Update etc.)

We have now configured source database and destination database. In order to link both databases, we use tMap component which we select from palette.

magento upgrade

The next step is to double click tMap component to link the columns of both source and destination databases.

After configuring it we can run this job directly or we can deploy it on SpagoBI. For deploying this job on SpagoBI right click on job and select ‘deploy on SpagoBI‘. It will deploy this job on Running SpagoBI server on your machine.


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