How to Bulk Import and Export Products/Customers in Magento 2

How to Bulk Import and Export Products/Customers in Magento 2

Magento 2 has become one of the most popular e-commerce framework. With the recent upgradation in the Magento 2, a number of advanced, as well as few very basic but useful features are incorporated in it. One of the most valuable feature is the Import and Export of the Products and Customers without having to use any third party extensions. Yes, you heard it right! You can now do it without any hassle of integrating any other extension on your Magento store.

In this blog, you will learn the steps involved in the Import/Export of the Products and Customers via CSV file. The blog is divided into 2 parts:

1)      Import Products/Customers

2)      Export Products/Customers

First, let’s see how we can Import the Products and Customers data in CSV:

1. Import Products/Customers

To import products or customers, you need to login to your Magento 2 Admin panel and go to System → Data Transfer section → Import.


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In the Import Settings section, you can see an ‘Entity Type’ dropdown. It has the following options:

Magento 2 customization

Select ‘Products’ as ‘Entity Type’.

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Moving on, the ‘Import Behavior’ dropdown states 3 options that includes:

  • Add/Update
  • Replace
  • Delete.

You can select any of the three, based on your requirements. However, to import configurable products choose ‘Add/Update’ in ‘Import Behavior’ tab. You can refer to the image above.

All other configurations should be set up as default. Nonetheless, you can change the ‘Allowed Error Count’, if required.

You can also download a Sample file, the link to which is given beside the Entity Type field (please refer to the image above), to view the CSV file supported by Magento 2.

Here’s how the sample CSV file looks like:

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Now, in the “File to Import” field, click on ‘Choose File’ to upload your CSV. Provide the file location and enter ‘/pub/media/import’ in the ‘Image File Directory’ text field.

Once you’re done, click on ‘Check Data’.

Magento 2 customization

The file is now ready to import. Simply click the “Import” button, as highlighted on the image above.
Please note that Magento validates the input data and results in CSV format only, no other formats are supported.

Once you import the data successfully, go to the frontend and navigate to PRODUCTS → Catalog to see the product with its respective image. Similarly, in case of customers, navigate to CUSTOMERS → All Customers.

Export Products/Customers

To export, simply navigate to System → Data Transfer section → Export on the Admin menu.

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In the ‘Export Settings’ section, you will have the following options for ‘Entity Type’:

Magento 2 customization

Set Entity Type to Products and accept the default Export File Format to “CSV”.

As soon as you change the Entity Type, a list of attributes will appear at the bottom. Select the attributes you want to exclude from the export by clicking the respective checkbox on the left of each attribute. You can also export a single product by providing its SKU/Name.

Now, click on ‘Continue’ given at the bottom of the page to Export the CSV file.

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So this is how you can make your life easier if you have Customers and/or Products data in bulk and you want to import and/or export them in your Magento 2 store.

In case of any errors in the CSV, you can resolve them by identifying the row or column numbers along with the field name in the file on your Magento store.

I hope that you find this blog helpful with exporting and importing your products and customers information in Magento!

Please feel free to comment or reach out if you have any questions. If you need any help with customizing your Magento or Magento 2 web store, please get in touch with us.


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