Introduction to MVI Architecture in Android



MVI (Model-View-Intent) is an Android development pattern that ensures unidirectional data flow and separation of concerns. The Model holds the app’s state. The View displays the UI and sends user actions as Intents.

Intents represent user actions and update the model. The View updates the UI based on Model changes. This approach leads to predictable, testable code and supports building scalable, robust Android apps.

What is MVI Architecture?

The Model-View-Intent (MVI) architecture is a design pattern introduced in Android development to facilitate the development of scalable and maintainable applications.

Inspired by the Cycle.js framework, MVI follows the unidirectional and cyclic flow principle, wherein data flows through a predictable sequence of steps: Model, View, and Intent.

Components of MVI Architecture

The MVI Android architecture consists of three main components: Model, View, and Intent. Each element has distinct responsibilities and contributes to the application’s structure and behavior.


This is the heart of your app. It holds all the data and rules (business logic). The Model is like a set of instructions that can’t be changed (immutable), ensuring the app behaves predictably. When something changes in the app, the Model updates its state, but the old state remains unchanged.


Think of this as the app’s face. It shows the user interface (UI) – everything the user sees and interacts with. The View monitors the Model and changes the UI to match the Model’s state.

It’s a one-way mirror; it sees changes in the Model but doesn’t change them. The View also notices the user’s actions, like tapping buttons or typing text.


‘Intent’ doesn’t mean the same thing as typical Android development. In MVI, an Intent is more about the user’s actions or wishes.

When a user does something in the View, like clicking a button, that action is turned into an Intent. This Intent is sent to the Model as a request or signal to do something or change.

What Reducer Pattern in MVI Architecture?

The reducer pattern plays a crucial role in managing an application’s state in the context of the MVI Android architecture.

The reducer is a concept borrowed from functional programming and is central to state management in systems like Redux, commonly used in frontend web development.

Here’s how it fits into the MVI Android architecture:

Function of Reducer

A reducer is a function that takes the application’s current state and an action (or Intent, in MVI terms) as inputs and produces a new state.

The critical aspect of a reducer is that it’s a pure function, meaning it doesn’t mutate the current state or have any side effects. Instead, it computes the new state based on the input state and action, ensuring predictability and testability.

Role in MVI

In MVI Android architecture, the Intent represents a user action or any other event that triggers a state change. The reducer processes these Intents to update the Model.

When an Intent is dispatched, it’s passed along with the current state to the reducer. The reducer then determines how to update this state in response to the Intent.

Advantages of Reducer

Below are the advantages of reducer:


Since reducers always produce a new state instead of modifying the existing one, it maintain immutability. This makes it easier to track changes over time and debug the application.


Given the same state and action, a reducer will always produce the same output. This makes the application’s flow more predictable and easier to understand.

Isolation of State Changes

Centralizing state changes in reducers makes it easier to manage and reason about state transitions, leading to better application maintainability and scalability.

Benefits of MVI Android Architecture

MVI architecture introduces a structured approach to app development, emphasizing unidirectional data flow and separation of concerns.

By decoupling business logic from UI rendering, MVI fosters modularity, scalability, and maintainability, empowering teams to build robust, feature-rich applications confidently and efficiently.

From enhanced testability and state management to improved user interactions and code maintainability, the advantages of MVI architecture are poised to redefine how we approach app development in today’s dynamic digital landscape.


Clear Component Separation

MVI distinctly separates its components into Model, View, and Intent. This separation allows for independent testing of each element. For example, you can test the Model and its business logic without worrying about the user interface or user interactions.

Predictable State Management

Using a unidirectional data flow and immutable state in MVI makes the system’s behavior predictable. This predictability is crucial for writing reliable tests, as you can easily foresee the outcome of actions in the app.

Reduced Side Effects

Because MVI emphasizes immutability, side effects (unexpected changes in the system) are minimized. This reduction in side effects simplifies the testing process as each component (especially the Model) can be tested in isolation without unintended interactions with other parts of the application.

Easy Mocking of User Interactions

In MVI, user interactions are represented as Intents, simple data objects. This makes it easy to mock user interactions for testing, as you can create Intents and feed them into the system to see how they react.

Robust UI Testing

Since the View is responsible only for rendering the UI based on the state, UI tests can be more focused. You can provide different states to the View and check if the UI renders correctly without replicating complex user interactions.


Modular Structure

The modular nature of MVI, where each component has a well-defined role, supports scalability. As your application grows, you can add more features without significantly altering existing code, as each part (Model, View, Intent) can be extended or modified independently.

Maintainable Codebase

MVI’s structured approach promotes a clean, maintainable codebase. This maintainability is vital for scaling, as it ensures that new developers can understand and contribute to the project more efficiently, and existing features can be modified with minimal risk of breaking the system.

Efficient State Management:

The centralization of state in the Model simplifies state management, even as the application grows in complexity. This makes it easier to add or change new features, as the impact on the overall state of the application is more straightforward to manage and understand.

Reusable Components

The design of MVI allows for higher reusability of components. For instance, a View component designed for a particular state can be reused across different application parts, reducing the need to write new code for similar features.

Better Performance with Complex UIs

MVI can handle complex UIs more efficiently. Since the UI is a state function, the View doesn’t need to manage or keep track of the UI’s consistency. This becomes increasingly beneficial as the application scales and the UI grows in complexity.

Practical Implementation of MVI Architecture

Consider a form submission scenario in an Android application where a user fills and submits a form.

Here’s how we can implement this flow using MVI:

Model (State)

Define states representing each phase of the form submission process, such as Idle, Loading, Success, and Error.

sealed class FormState {

   data object Idle: FormState()

   data object Loading: FormState()

   data class Success(val message: String) : FormState()

   data class Error(val error: Throwable) : FormState()


error: Throwable) : FormState()


In an Activity or Fragment, observe the state changes and update the UI 

ViewModel.state.observe(this, Observer { state ->

   when (state) {

       is FormState.Idle -> showIdleState()

       is FormState.Loading -> showLoading()

       is FormState.Success -> show success(state. message)

       is FormState.Error -> show error(state.error.message)




Define intents that the user can perform, such as submitting the form.

sealed class FormIntent {

   data class SubmitForm(val data: String) : FormIntent()



Refactor actions into events to more accurately represent the occurrences within the app.

sealed class FormEvent {

   object StartLoading: FormEvent()

   data class FormSubmissionSuccess(val message: String): FormEvent()

   data class FormSubmissionError(val error: Throwable): FormEvent()


ViewModel and Reducer

The ViewModel processes intents and uses a reducer function to determine the new state based on the current state and the occurred event.

fun process intent(intent: FormIntent) {

   when (intent) {

       is FormIntent.SubmitForm -> submitForm(



private fun submitForm(data: String) {

   _state.value = reducer(_state.value ?: FormState.Idle, FormEvent.StartLoading)

   // Handle form submission and update state


private fun reducer(currentState: FormState, event: FormEvent): FormState {

   return when (event) {

       is FormEvent.StartLoading -> FormState.Loading

       is FormEvent.FormSubmissionSuccess -> FormState.Success(event. message)

       is FormEvent.FormSubmissionError -> FormState.Error(event. error)




Incorporating MVI Android architecture into your Android applications enhances the predictability of state management and provides a clear structure for handling user interactions and UI updates.

By distinguishing between intents and events and employing a reducer for state transitions, applications become more maintainable, testable, and scalable.

As you adopt MVI Android architecture, you’ll find that managing complex UI states and user interactions becomes a more streamlined and error-resistant process.


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