Folio3 is a trusted

Software Development Partner

For fortune 500’s, enterprises & startups

We work as One!

Innovation is our core, creativity is in our DNA, and launching and growing brands is our passion.

We are alums of Intel, Silicon Graphics, and Qualcomm; techies from MIT and Caltech entrepreneurs and inventors from Silicon Valley; enthusiasts for all things digital; big believers in technology’s potential; bigger believers in human potential.

Above all, we are the people who make things happen!


We’re constantly striving to create the best products in the world. We believe that the best brands are those that are honest and purposeful, and we strive to create marketing experiences that reflect those values.


Love what
you do...

We are surrounded with talented and creative people who work on projects that they themselves are passionate about


and who
you do it for...

We’re motivated to go above and beyond when we work with companies who have values that extend beyond profit.


Be thoughtful of
people & planet

We work to make a positive, measurable impact on the world around us. Everything we do is designed to be socially and environmentally responsible.


Never stop

We believe that by constantly challenging ourselves and learning new skills, we can develop a more well-rounded perspective and knowledge base.


Keep things
moving, constantly

Whether it’s the way we do business, the services we offer or the team we work with, we are always evolving to stay ahead of the curve.

Who we are

With vision and collective action, anything is possible

  • We are not hired guns (we hope to be your partners in innovation).
  • We are not headcount providers (we try instead to provide well-crafted solutions).
  • We are not a relentless sales machine (thankfully, our existing customers are just that for us).
  • We are not very sharp dressers (we are working on this one).

We started Folio3

Software with the mission to bring innovation

  • integrity and agility – the Silicon Valley start-up genes – to the software services industry.
  • We wanted a software services company that we as entrepreneurs and executives would ourselves partner with.

When nothing quite met expectations, we built one ourselves.

Our sole motivation is to help you deliver your innovation.

  • Whether you are a two billion a year company looking at mobile-enabling your enterprise processes or a two person start-up making the next big social-mobile game,
  • Our rapid prototyping methodology, our proprietary internal tools, our mobile app frameworks and our 10,000+ man years of design and development experience are at your beck and call.

We call it Innovation As A Service.



  • From making paper processes swipeable on iPADs and fighting zombies on Kindles to implementing world class ERP systems and eCommerce platforms, there is very little we have not done and even less we would not take on. Transforming a farm into a state-of-the-art facility equipped with all the latest AI and drone technology is one the many things we take pride in doing.
  • So if you are looking to choose a technology partner, know this that we at Folio3 are proficient in the art of technology and the science of desire. We can make your problems fade away, and make you friends with growth!/li>

When nothing quite met expectations, we built one ourselves.

What do we
have to show for IT all?

Clients (banks, booksellers, software giants, game start-ups) that trust and value us enough to be our best spokespersons.

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Web and mobile solutions made with love, integrity and lots of caffeine.

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Employees who understand the dual commitment at Folio3: Customers first, Employees forever.

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Contact us

Whether you are a large enterprise looking to augment your teams with experts resources or an SME looking to scale your business or a startup looking to build something.
We are your digital growth partner.

Tel: +1 408 365 4638
Support: +1 (408) 512 1812