7 Key Tips for your Shopify Ecommerce Store

7 Key Tips for your Shopify Ecommerce Store

Once you have set up your Shopify ecommerce store, the best way to start optimizing it would be to make the most of the default features available. Not all of these would work for your Shopify store and therefore you should keep trying and testing new things. You can not do that without keeping track of the stats. Here are some key tips that can help optimize your Shopify ecommerce store:

Abandonment Cart Emails

If your abandoned cart rate is high, sending out reminder emails to those customers is a good way to entice them into completing the sale. A gentle reminder with a discount is a friendly gesture that will encourage your customers to come back and complete their purchase. Make sure your cart abandoned emails are not bland but are creative enough to capture your customers attention.

Split Test Your Pricing

You all must have tried split testing your email subject lines and landing page designs, but with Shopify’s default feature, you can even split test your pricing. It is a good way to find out what is working to optimize your sales. For any ecommerce, pricing strategy has to be a perfect product/market fit for it to succeed.

Small pricing differences can make a huge difference. Once you have the baseline price, using an app such as free Qbot Shopify app, split test your prices to see how it impacts your sales and conversions. This testing has to be done on several occasions to get an accurate picture.

Optimize Your Shopify Store for SEO

SEO is very important for you to get organic traffic and is a central component of any ecommerce store. There are numerous things you can do to enhance SEO of your Shopify store.

A large number of URLs pointed back to the same page is not good for SEO as this suggests a lack of unique content. Over-indexing is a common problem that you can overcome by following Shopify’s category guidelines and using the auto-generated canonical URLs. These help search engines point all relevant URLs to the page of origin.

  • You can also optimize your images by giving them compelling file names, modifying image alt texts with descriptive copies to help search engines crawl through your images.
  • Page title for every individual page including category and product pages is very important, along with good meta descriptions. These are what show up on social media and in searches.
  • Making your site faster is crucial, including mobile speed of your store. Make sure that you do not have overly large images or anything of that sort that may have a impact on the speed. It is best you track it and making improvements moving on.

Offer Live Chat

Customers or rather people in general do not like going through lengthy processes like writing emails, replying to follow up emails and filling up forms. It is just not lengthy and time consuming but customers want their queries to be answered immediately. They always have the option to move on to the next best alternative.

By providing them real time customer support you can keep the customer on your site, increase conversion rates and use the content to get your FAQs page right. This function of Shopify ecommerce can easily be outsourced.

Add Upsells to Your Store

Instead of putting all your efforts into acquiring new customers, you should try to upsell products to your existing Shopify store customers too. Just showing them better products with bigger price tags below the product they are considering would not do. They need to know about the benefits of the higher-priced products which should be communicated to them creatively. So if you want to upsell bed sheets, then try to transport your customers to a world of luxuries.

Think Outside Shopify

Just opening up a standalone store is not enough. Your products need to be out there for anyone to buy them from wherever they can. A multichannel strategy is therefore a good step: It will only help rack in more profits. Similarly, extending your marketing efforts to old school marketing tactics is a good out of the box option that should be considered.

Improve Your Product Photos & Descriptions

Over any other piece of material, photos and videos have the biggest influence on purchasing decision in ecommerce. Online shoppers do not have the luxury of feeling, tasting or smelling the product; they can only look at the product.

This makes pictures and video quality a key consideration for Shopify ecommerce too. It is important that your visual assets replicate real life experiences as closely as possible and should be powerful enough to persuade the customer to buy it.

Optimizing your Shopify ecommerce store is an ongoing process that requires tracking and tweaking your website. You need to therefore keep exploring and testing different things to make more informed decisions about your Shopify store.

Please feel free to comment or reach out if you have any questions. In case you need any help with Shopify integrationShopify migration or customization of your Shopify web store, please get in touch with us.


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